Automotive Marketing

Hey Guys

The automotive marketers are always on the search for THE new strategy to sell a new Car. If it's a funny Video or, like HERE, the "small is beautiful" campaign from smart.

BUT, how do the customers see all these campaigns?
Now a question to you: What would be the best way to sell YOU a new car?

Would you like to have some "real contact", and talk to a automobile seller at a Fair, or at a dealership?
Or would you prefer some funny commercials on TV, or YouTube/Facebook?
And do you get influenced by (regular based Series like) Top Gear, ...?

Would be nice if you leave your comment about this either below as a Comment (you can also comment as 'anonymous') or on Facebook (just write it on the page, doesn't have to be below any of my posts!)

I'm waiting for your responses :)


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Me Blogging for the Bahn Blog
